The Career

50 Years in and around NYC Law Enforcement

''He (Richard Koehler) knows the problems that are there today. He knows the problems that were there when he left, and they probably will be the problems there when he leaves.” - Ben Ward, Commissioner of Corrections

The New York Times - September 23, 1986

1962 - 1966


US Navy

Radarman 2nd Class - USS Cony

1967 - 1973




Patrolman - 18th Precinct

Sergeant - 81st Precinct

Internal Communications Division, Office of the Commissioner


1973 - 1978


NYPD Administrative

Secretary to NYPD Board of Ethics, Deputy Commissioner Legal Matters

Personnel Bureau, Administrator NYPD Management Assessment Center

NYPD Office of Labor Policy

Promoted to Lieutenant NYPD, 1977

Appearing before the Board of Corrections on Rikers Island overcrowding and violence with Deputy Chief George Vierno, 1988.



1978 - 1981


NYPD Director of Communications

Overhaul 9-1-1 Emergency System

Overhauled a 911 Emergency System in Turmoil.

December 13, 1978 - The New York Times

1981 - 1983


Deputy Commissioner Department of Corrections

Press Conference after the 1988 Riot in Anna Kross Jail on Rikers Island. Commissioner Koehler, Deputy Chief George Vierno, Supervising Warden Jim Garvey, and Warden Ron Galletta.


1983 - 1986


NYPD Leadership

Commanding Officer, Police Planning Division

Commanding Officer, Personnel Bureau

Chief of Personnel

“After spending my life in the city, including 20 years in police, I say what the hell good is jail? It costs too much and we get almost nothing for it.” - Richard J. Koehler, New York City Correction Commissioner

April 19, 1987 - The New York Times


1986 - 1989


Commissioner of Corrections for the City of New york

Named Corrections Commissioner

during a historic crime wave and overcrowding of the City’s jails.

September 23, 1986 - The New York Times

Commissioner Koehler with his wife Judy receiving the NYPD/NAVY Man of the Year Award from Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly at the Association's Annual Awards Ceremony on October 14, 2011


